Admission Process
Admissions Steps
in Tariq Bin Ziad School
- Create an account on the registration site and fill out the E-application form.
- Upload all required documents during the registration process.
- Complete School’s medical form
- Application Fees for primary school is Non-refundable
School Interview and Test
Students who apply to the school must meet the school’s academic entrance requirements.
- Pre 3 & Pre 4: English & Arabic teachers will interview the student
- Kindergarten & Grade 1 : Arabic, English & Math tests
- Grade 2 to Grade 5: Arabic & Englisg tests, Math , Reading & Writing
- Enrolment Fees (3000 QAR): Non-refundable
Conditional Acceptance
If the student does not meet some of the admission requirements in the following four areas: emotional social behavior, play, speech and language, and overall physical development. The student is accepted with a conditional contract that is reviewed every three months and requires additional support to reach the school’s curriculum fully.
At all levels, the school has the right to make direct contact with any previous school or educational establishment and to request a confidential report. This will ask for comment on academic progress to date, involvement in the broader life of the school, and general behavioral standards.
Withdrawal Process for QF Schools
To begin withdrawing a student from a QF school, the parent/guardian is requested to submit an online withdrawal form (click here). The school will process the request within three working days.
Please note that the parent/guardian and the student will be invited to attend an exit interview meeting with the school director to discuss the withdrawal. The parent/guardian and the student are required to attend this meeting to complete the formal process.

School Calendar 2025-2026:
Download our school calendar.

Fill out our application

Fees Structures: